Ever since Ipot came into my life, I use it the most to prepare food. It is the gadget that perfectly applies to the title of my blog. Everything prepared in the Ipot turns out delicious and flavorful. I love that food truly gets prepared in minutes and saves us all the time with the clean up. One thing that we have to however learn is how to use the various features on the Ipot. With the Ipot porridge setting we can make creamy, awesome textured pal payasam in 25 minutes. There is no need for addition of cream, milkmaid or full fat milk. The rice naturally thickens and gets it to taste as if you have already added the rich ingredients. For Akshaya Thithi pal payasam is prepared and served to people. Here is a recipe my sister shared with me.
Measuring Cups
Milk - 4 cups
Rice - 1/4 cup
Water - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1 cup ( 3/4 cup for lower sweetness)
Saffron for garnish
1. Plug the Ipot into an electrical socket and add 1/2 cup of water.
2. Wash rice in a colander and add to the Ipot.
3. Add milk and cover the lid and press on the pressure cook button on the Ipot.
4. Choose porridge setting and the cooking time for 20 mins will show up on the display.
5. Make sure that the heat is on medium level to keep milk from scotching.
6. Once the pressure is released open the Ipot and add sugar. Mix well.
7. Press on the saute mode and set the timer to 1 minute just to get the sugar to dissolve.
8. Garnish with saffron. You may also add nuts, elachi powder,dry fruits or cinnamon and serve it hot or cold.